Friday, March 30, 2012

Cute Little Kylie

Newborn shoots are a lot of work but yield incredible results. This little cutie did not disappoint. It was also quite heart warming that this session was a gift from a good friend of mine to our new mama - Megan. Enjoy!

~{ Clients and FEP fans }~

Images visible on the FEP website, blog and facebook page are the property of Juanita Smith/Fresh Eye Photography. Images may be posted and shared ONLY if unaltered in any way.
The watermark must remain intact and appropriate credit must be assigned to Juanita Smith or Fresh Eye Photography. Images may not be saved or printed without consent. All images are subject to copyright infringement laws.Thank you for your understanding.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Finally! I very rarely have time to just get out and do some landscape and experimental photos. During Dad's last visit we scooped up little man and went to have some fun... photography style. Besides creating a lasting memory between father and daughter, I am proud to say - I am finally building a STOCK portfolio for sale!

If you are looking for some new art to decorate your home, take a look at some of these images!
Contact me for more details on sizes and prices...

~{ Clients and FEP fans }~

Images visible on the FEP website, blog and facebook page are the property of Juanita Smith/Fresh Eye Photography. Images may be posted and shared ONLY if unaltered in any way.
The watermark must remain intact and appropriate credit must be assigned to Juanita Smith or Fresh Eye Photography. Images may not be saved or printed without consent. All images are subject to copyright infringement laws.Thank you for your understanding.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring has sprung!

Where do I even begin? This year began in doubt for me. I struggled to balance all the balls I had in the air and had succumbed to the realization that now was not the time for my photography. God has a plan for us all, and the harder we try to control it, the harder things become, until you get so overwhelmed you finally turn to him and he shows you the way.

I am certain there are many others out there just like me... I go round and round trying to manipulate my destiny, getting overcome and finally "giving it to God". I decided to take a step back. I took on less responsibility at work and stopped pounding the pavement for photo session opportunities. I was going to focus on my family and let whatever was meant to happen with F.E.P. happen...

Well, BAM! March brought us an early spring and word of mouth travels fast and furious. I am booked solid! Sessions are popping up left and right!

My goal now is to stay grounded, remember what comes first and thank God everyday for the life he has given me. Get ready for some fun and frequent photos as this spring rolls into summer!

We begin with some of my favorite little sprites - the Sims kids...

~{ Clients and FEP fans }~

Images visible on the FEP website, blog and facebook page are the property of Juanita Smith/Fresh Eye Photography. Images may be posted and shared ONLY if unaltered in any way.
The watermark must remain intact and appropriate credit must be assigned to Juanita Smith or Fresh Eye Photography. Images may not be saved or printed without consent. All images are subject to copyright infringement laws.Thank you for your understanding.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Attention all FEP Clients!!!

In just two weeks, Facebook will be automatically switching your pages to the new timeline format.

From now until then I am offering FREE CUSTOM COVER PHOTOS!

Simply message me with the cover you would like (see choices in the photo album on FEP fan page) and the session you would like me to use to add your own pictures!

All I ask is that you TAG Fresh Eye Photography and the creator of the template.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Funny boy!


Typically I try not to post things about my personal life on this blog but...
this one was just too hard to pass up. I had recently seen an adorable picture of cars made in the shape of a heart for valentine's day. I had always wanted to do a chalk name picture with my son and then suddenly the car picture inspired me (Dawson is a car fanatic).

The rest is history...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy Happy Joy Joy

In times when work is difficult to find, one is always grateful to have a job. Well, I feel very fortunate to not only have a job, but also a second family. I have been with my full-time employer for over a decade now. Many of my coworkers have become much like family since mine are so far away (western Canada).
Art and Tina are what I call my "American Parents", so naturally I was very excited and honored when they asked me to photograph a brand new member of the family - grand baby Kinsley.

I must say she is not only a beautiful baby girl, she had the most wonderful disposition (especially for taking cute pictures).


~{ Clients and FEP fans }~

Images visible on the FEP website, blog and facebook page are the property of Juanita Smith/Fresh Eye Photography. Images may be posted and shared ONLY if unaltered in any way.
The watermark must remain intact and appropriate credit must be assigned to Juanita Smith or Fresh Eye Photography. Images may not be saved or printed without consent. All images are subject to copyright infringement laws.Thank you for your understanding.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March madness

Hey all FEP clients...

Do you wish you could have gotten just a few more 8 x 10 prints from a previous session,
but just could not afford it at the time? Now is a great opportunity...

My print vendor is offering 50% 8 x 10 prints from now until March 7th.
Contact me ASAP to get in on it!