Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Brochure

I am sooo excited! I have been working on some advertising ideas and thought this would be fun to try. I am in the habit of handing out my card and telling people to check the website. Usually this is followed with several questions about what I offer and prices. I thought it might be easier on myself and the client if I could just give 'em a list of the usual answers. This way they could keep it and have a visual to refer back to - since visual is what this is all about! I am enjoying the photoshop practice and love indulging my creative side... so naturally I created one from scratch. I just sent the order in last night... can't wait to see them when they get here!

1 comment:

  1. Nice!

    Hey, I'm probably going to have some free time shortly, if you have any photo related stuff you need help with, or just want to shoot. Let me know. :)
