Well hello everyone! Its been over 3 years and so much has changed.
All I ask is that you bear with me as I get things rolling again and update all my workspaces -
(Blog, Facebook, website etc).
I could go on and on about what has happened and how amazing it is to pick up my camera again, but I won't ramble. I'll keep it short and sweet...
I have come full circle and return with the same sweet couple I ended with, Christen & Rob!
It is just beyond amazing that I get to return with them as they enter the next phase of life... as PARENTS!!!!
(see next post for pics of baby Aidan!)
~{ Clients and FEP fans }~
Images visible on the FEP website, blog and facebook page are the property of Juanita Smith/Fresh Eye Photography. Images may be posted and shared ONLY if unaltered in any way. The watermark must remain intact and appropriate credit must be assigned to Juanita Smith or Fresh Eye Photography. Images may not be saved or printed without consent. All images are subject to copyright infringement laws.Thank you for your understanding.