Saturday, August 27, 2011


Pre-register NOW!

Only 60 days until Fall Photo Sessions begin! Starting the last week of October through the end of November I will be doing sessions for the 2011 fall season. Whether you need an image for Christmas cards or just need an updated portrait of your family... I highly recommend booking early.

In order to lock in your date, session fees will be required in advance this year.
Custom photo card designs will also be offered for holiday greeting cards.
Stay tuned for further updates...

~{ Clients and FEP fans }~
Images visible on the FEP website, blog and facebook page are the property of Juanita Smith/Fresh Eye Photography. 
Images may be posted and shared ONLY if unaltered in any way. The watermark must remain intact and appropriate credit must be assigned to Juanita Smith or Fresh Eye Photography. Images may not be saved or printed without consent. 
All images are subject to copyright infringement laws.Thank you for your understanding.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Print Special

Hey FEP clients...

From today until August 31st, my print vendor is offering 15% OFF! If you had considered getting more prints from your session, or had passed on a few larger sizes, now would be a great time to order.

Contact me via email or phone today!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Meet baby Teagan

I was sooo excited to do another newborn shoot. Naturally my head was spinning with all kinds of great ideas. How quickly I forget - baby is boss. Although I wish I could have produced many more photos for my good friend and coworker, I know she will be pleased with the end result. Thanks, Channy!

~{ Clients and FEP fans }~
Images visible on the FEP website, blog and facebook page are the property of Juanita Smith/Fresh Eye Photography. 
Images may be posted and shared ONLY if unaltered in any way. The watermark must remain intact and appropriate credit must be assigned to Juanita Smith or Fresh Eye Photography. Images may not be saved or printed without consent. 
All images are subject to copyright infringement laws.Thank you for your understanding.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Balloon baby

So I had this idea- I bought some "invisible thread" from the craft store and a helium party tank from Walmart. I blew up a bunch of pink and white balloons for Blakely's next shoot. I anchored the thread to some rocks. My plan was to place each balloon around her separately so it would look like they were magically floating alone in the air...
I put them all together in the back of the car and forgot to account for the wind factor outside. Oh-well, they are still cute!

~{ Clients and FEP fans }~
Images visible on the FEP website, blog and facebook page are the property of Juanita Smith/Fresh Eye Photography. 
Images may be posted and shared ONLY if unaltered in any way. The watermark must remain intact and appropriate credit must be assigned to Juanita Smith or Fresh Eye Photography. Images may not be saved or printed without consent. 
All images are subject to copyright infringement laws.Thank you for your understanding.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Awesome deal!

Hey Folks,

My distributor is having a great sale...
I always pass the savings on directly to you. If you've wanted to get a canvas from your previous session, now is your chance! Email me ASAP to get one of these beautiful pieces to make a statement in your home...